Can a Broken Man Love Again

Sad Unhappy Handsome Man Sitting on the Sofa and Holding His Forehead While Having Headache

In your lifetime, yous will practise many things that you would love. Being with an emotionally broken human being isn't one of those things.  This is because loving a broken man is complicated, painful, and has what information technology takes to leave yous broken as well.

The sad part is that there are many signs of an emotionally broken man. You would notice these signs of a broken man when he offset comes into your life. The challenge is that someone will still fall in honey with an emotionally broken human being despite the warning bells.

This is what this article seeks to baby-sit confronting.

In this article, yous will acquire what it truly means to be a cleaved man, fifteen signs a man is emotionally cleaved, and you volition as well larn how the cleaved man's love volition eventually touch your life if you permit it.

What does existence emotionally cleaved mean?

"What does being broken hateful?" This is i question that is mainly misunderstood because in that location are piffling or no indices to measure precisely what emotional brokenness truly is.

Many times, "emotionally broken" and "cleaved middle" are used interchangeably. Information technology can be defined equally a metaphor for the intense emotional stress or hurting i feels from deep longing. If taken further, existence emotionally broken can also exist expressed as emotional abuse , psychological abuse/violence, or mental abuse.

With this in heed, being emotionally broken is a state of low mental wellness or deep-seated mental/emotional trauma that usually follows a menstruation of intense and prolonged emotional abuse. Some signs of being emotionally broken include low self-esteem, PTSD, anxiety, depression, and in some cases, suicidal tendencies.

To clear the air, just anyone tin can be emotionally broken; men, women, and even children. Everyone who undergoes the pain of existence subjected to humiliating experiences that authorize to be chosen emotional corruption tin can come out the other end of the experience emotionally broken.

Merely studies point out that men might feel pain silently due to societal pressures associated with masculinity. That is why they might not be able to place and admit their emotional distress.

This has little or zip to do with a person's gender. Every bit you would run across later in this article, men likewise get emotionally broken.

Traits of an emotionally broken homo

Here are some characteristics that the emotionally broken man volition put upwards at different times.

i. Hates everything they tin't take

Then the couple next door are having a adept fourth dimension and possibly dancing to a nifty vocal playing over the radio? An emotionally driveling man would, for no reason, accept criminal offense to what they are doing. You'd discover this every bit him trying to notice faults with them.

He may complain that they are being too loud or even walk over to their place to tell them to keep it down. However, a closer look at him will evidence that it is non about the music. There is something about the couple's intimacy that rubs him the wrong manner.

2. Everyone else is ever wrong

Try having a conversation about their by relationships with them, and the emotionally abused man will launch into a long tirade about how all their exes and their friends were total jerks to them. 1 clear characteristic of an emotionally damaged man is that they are never wrong in their eyes.

3. Requite dorsum what they have gotten

At some signal in their life, the emotionally abused homo will end up returning the favors they have been given. They would abuse their partner, gaslight them, stonewall them, or just practice anything to brand that partner feel the same pain and bitterness they have felt.

4. Been told that they are toxic and need assistance

But true to blazon, the emotionally cleaved man would take it as an act of treason. They would never meet the need to pay special attention to those words, just their cycles of toxicity volition only continue.

15 signs of an emotionally broken man

These are the signs a homo is injure emotionally. Before getting into your adjacent relationship, please have some time to look out for these signs.

If you find them, there is every possibility that you are about to get involved with an emotionally broken man.

1. He still lives in his past

Since he may non desire you lot to see it, an emotionally broken man would ordinarily deal with distrust issues rooted in his past experiences. He may mask these trust issues with a burly facade, but you would find the pain from his past resurfacing in the present at intervals.

This could include acrimony, pain, fright of abandonment, and a trend to lash out at other people and things when he feels threatened.

2. Withholds investing in the present relationship

One of the nigh credible signs of a broken-hearted man is that he finds it exceedingly challenging to commit himself to present relationships. This is simply a consequence of his past experiences and the nagging feeling that whatever he dealt with in the by will but resurface with time.

The emotionally cleaved man believes that he is better off holding back to keep from spiraling downward the rabbit hole of hurting twice.

                      Related Reading:                                fifteen Tips on How to Stay Committed in a Relationship                  

three. Ballsy and seamless mood swings

One second he is on elevation of the world, existence the life of the party and making you have fun. The side by side 2d, he hits rock bottom and even you tin't admit that this is the same guy from just a few minutes agone.

Research has looked at mood swings' characteristics and has noted various reasons for these mood swings, including emotional distress.

Stressful White Man Caucasian Angry and Mad at Smarthpone in Cafe Background

If your homo has multiple inexplicable mood swings, y'all may want to make up one's mind if he has had any emotionally jolting experiences in his past.

four. Consider expressing his love equally beingness 'weak' or 'needy.'

He loves you; you know it, and he knows information technology too. However, suppose he finds it difficult to express his honey and attraction toward yous only believes (for some reason) that you lot should be able to put two and 2 together. In that case, y'all may just be dealing with an emotionally cleaved human being.

5. Self-esteem is always depression

Information technology is okay to feel shy sometimes, but if your human has an acute case of depression cocky-esteem (especially at those times when he should act and experience confident), you lot may want to double-check if he is emotionally broken.

Emotionally cleaved men deal with low self-esteem , and most times, this low self-esteem stems from the experiences they have had in the past.

vi. Unhealthy quest for success

Everyone wants to exist a success, who receives the award for team member or entrepreneur of the year. Yet, an emotionally broken man resorts to pursuing career goals (and keen them) because he seeks the highs that come from knowing that he isn't completely good for zilch.

If your homo would rather spend his life on his work than on building a healthy human relationship with you, you may desire to do some excavation.

seven. Engages in common vices

Mostly, the emotionally cleaved man will indulge in common vices that men go after. If he cheats on you, uses drugs, clubs incessantly, and spends his fourth dimension indulging in other vices that negatively bear on the human relationship, information technology could exist considering he is trying to hibernate the real challenge he is facing.

His engagement in those vices wouldn't be considering he is a bad person. It may only be his style of letting become of his by.

8. Doesn't appreciate your efforts merely is terrified of losing you

This is arguably one of the virtually unsafe signs of an emotionally broken man. He puts upwards a front like he doesn't see and appreciate your efforts in the relationship. If you don't know better, you will assume that he doesn't want to make things work.

Nonetheless, the day you piece of work up the courage to talk to him about information technology, you lot volition notice a side of him you never knew existed. If he e'er suspects that you are well-nigh to cease the relationship , you will notice him on his knees, begging and pleading with you not to become.

Your man's horror at the prospect of losing you could be a result of many things. All the same, you would notice from this that despite what a broken human would want you to believe, the emotionally broken man understands your function in his life.

ix. Always touchy virtually his past

Innocently enquire him a question about his past (especially about the experiences that are traumatizing in his past), and you may be positively shocked at the way he would answer.

In the best-case scenario, the emotionally damaged man volition find a diplomatic (but not and so unnoticeable) way of changing the subject area. In the worst-case scenario, he may burst out or lash out at you and make you feel as though you are prying.

Research has shown that relationship satisfaction and open advice are interrelated. It is because of this connectedness that relationships flourish when your partner discusses past experiences with you openly and honestly.

These reactions are just his mind'southward way of protecting itself from reliving bad experiences from the by.

x. Never takes responsibility for his mistakes

When he messes up in the relationship and y'all call him out, he always looks for a way to explain away what he has done. He may effort to manipulate you, intimidate yous, or fifty-fifty play downward on your feelings/emotions just to evade taking responsibleness for the mess he has made.

When yous take seen him avoiding taking responsibility for his deportment for a while, you may want to take some fourth dimension to assess the human relationship and the direction it is headed critically. Resist the urge to try learning how to fix a cleaved human. That may do more harm to yous than you lot ever imagined.

Scout this video to learn more about taking responsibility in relationships by not being defensive:

xi. Someone in your life has told you so

As much equally y'all may want to believe that the people in your life practice not know what'southward up with your relationship, that may not be a complete truth.

If you lot accept ever taken role in your relationship with people close to you, like your close friends/family (even if information technology was only for dinner with the siblings), you may be surprised to know what they gleaned from the brusk time they spent with you lot.

If at any betoken, someone in your life (who you trust their decisions/judgment) has hinted that he is an emotionally cleaved man, yous may want to pay closer attention to their words.

If possible, notice out what sponsored that comment and listen to what they have to say. Yous may simply end upward positively shocked.

12. No emotional intimacy, but always downwardly for sex

If your man is quick to spring into bed with you and quick to spring out immediately after the deed is done, you may desire to accept things slowly.

Have a critical look at the human relationship. Is sex all that your human wants from y'all? Does he spend time trying to connect emotionally with you? Do you lot even talk about the things that matter?

Yes? Great!

No? Y'all may merely exist dealing with a broken human being.

13. Always appears perfect

The keyword here is 'appear.'

If you suspect something off and ask him nigh it, he would most likely tell you that it is all good. The emotionally cleaved man does his best never to acknowledge mistakes or flaws. This could exist because he was taught not to.

fourteen. Unaffected past your emotions

A Stoic and Pensive Filipino Man in a Blue Hawaiian Shirt

Even if yous break down in tears over something, he is most likely going to keep staring at you without any impact of your feelings on his face up. One thing you should know nigh an emotionally cleaved man is that empathy isn't his strongest forte.

                      Related Reading:                                              How to Overcome Emotional Repression in Your Human relationship                  

15. Painfully sensitive

Information technology is difficult to let down your baby-sit when you lot are with him because it feels that you perpetually have to walk on eggshells. He may take jokes also seriously, even if they are jokes he used on y'all before. To him, questioning his actions may be interpreted as defamation of character.

Does the emotionally broken homo love differently?

Every bit much as we have discussed 15 signs that he is emotionally cleaved, here'south how his emotional land may cause him to express love differently.

one. With him, emotional intimacy is a boxing

Considering of the things he has been through in the past, he may find information technology hard to be emotionally open with his partner. This, however, does non negate the fact that he would however want his partner to achieve out to him and satisfy his emotional needs .

He only isn't cut out for returning the favor.

2. Saying that he is stoic wouldn't be a complete prevarication

Have y'all ever tried reaching out to him, only to run into with a brick wall then catchy to quantum? No affair what he feels, the emotionally broken homo will never show his emotions.

On the flip side, some emotionally cleaved men may finish up becoming overly dramatic. This grouping of men becomes extremely sensitive and touchy.

3. He believes everyone is out to harm him

Every bit a result, he would rather keep people at arm's length than allow them close to his center again. As far as he is concerned, there isn't any need to live through the pain again.

So, he protects himself by creating an emotional world of his own. He would never allow anyone into that world, not even a romantic partner .


If y'all accept always wondered what it means to be a broken man, this commodity has shed lite on who the emotionally broken homo is.

Before committing to your next relationship (or, even if you are in a committed relationship at present), take out some time to examine the relationship. If y'all observe that you are with an emotionally damaged man, you may want to break from the relationship, so you don't become emotionally traumatized.


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